Employee of the Quarter: Brad Margrave 

As Priority1 successfully closes out the third quarter of 2022, we are thrilled to announce Brad Margrave, who is Priority1’s network/IT administrator, as our employee of the quarter. Brad has been with Priority1 for two years, but he has been working professionally in IT for 20 years. Brad has also been a crucial part in opening our new office space in downtown Little Rock! 

Brad’s main responsibilities include ensuring the stable operation of Priority1’s computer networks. This includes planning, developing, installing, configuring, maintaining, supporting, and optimizing all network hardware, software, and communication links. His responsibilities also include maintaining and monitoring the security of the network and all of its Priority1 users. Brad’s favorite project that he’s worked on was Priority1’s office move in Tempe, AZ. This is a benchmark that he is proud of because he was able to prep a new office space and move an entire office over with zero downtime.  

Phil Scholtes, Vice President of Technology, noted that “Brad was a huge part of our successful expansion into the 7th floor of the Lyon building in downtown Little Rock. From network connectivity to desktop monitor placement, he helped make sure the move was as seamless as possible.” 

Brad’s advice for new employees would be to “follow your team leaders closely. They have been where you are and can show you the path to success.” His favorite part about Priority1 is the work culture. He loves the people he gets to work with and talk to daily.  

When Brad is outside the office, he enjoys spending time with his wife, Chelsey, and his eight-year-old daughter, Alexis. They love to play and watch football together. Brad will never miss a Kansas City Chiefs game, interview, rerun, or podcast!  

Priority1 is grateful for Brad and the hard work he has demonstrated throughout his tenure here and especially this quarter. Congratulations from all of us at Priority1 for your incredible accomplishments, Brad. As our network administrator, you have helped Priority1 in immeasurable ways, and we are thrilled to recognize you for your dedicated work and achievements. 

By: Kaylyn Alexander  

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