Employee of the Quarter: Kyle Morton

Each quarter, Priority1 aims to highlight a hard-working, dedicated employee who continues to fly high above their expectations. Though the company has taken a long hiatus from pointing out a specific employee in recent years, this quarter, Priority1 takes great pleasure in shining a light on Kyle Morton, one of our esteemed Software Engineers. Kyle’s diligence, self-motivation, and dedication to achieving the best possible results have not gone unnoticed.

“Kyle’s background and experience in enterprise software development make him an invaluable development resource on the team. He continues to be a major asset to the organization as we integrate the Truckload functionality into our TMS.” — Phillip Scholtes, Vice President of Technology.

A native of Paragould, Arkansas, Kyle’s motivation is his family, claiming, “I always want to be someone they can be proud of.” Kyle aims to be dependable in and out of the workplace for his peers and supervisors. He strives to improve his skills as an engineer daily and often admires others who do the same—though he admires his father most. His career goals include improving his skills in software development, project management, and mentoring while simultaneously never missing a basketball game. While Kyle has been with Priority1 for well over a year, he encourages new employees to learn as much as they can, always do their best, and “never be afraid to take a chance on something you believe in.”

A family man at heart, Kyle is surrounded by an extensive support system: two boxer pups, his spouse, Kaylee—who is currently expecting another child next month, Bennett—and his son, Dean. He spends most of his free time grilling and enjoying cartoons with his son.

“The people at P1 [are what I love the most]. You work hard like any job, but you always feel welcomed, appreciated, and like a part of the family… It’s been the best job I’ve ever had, without a doubt.” — Kyle Morton, Software Engineer.

From all of us at Priority1, thank you, Kyle, for your hard work and commitment to making our IT department as seamless as possible. Tune in next quarter for another employee highlight!

Par : Caela Fugate

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