The Ultimate guide for DOT Blitz Week 2023

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) conducts an annual event known as DOT Blitz Week. This event involves the FMCSA working alongside state and local law enforcement agencies to ensure the safety and compliance of commercial motor vehicles (CMVs) and their drivers on the road. DOT Blitz Week 2023 is expected to take place next week, May 16-18, 2023.

What is DOT Blitz Week?

  • An annual event conducted by the FMCSA in partnership with state and local law enforcement agencies.
  • The event aims to ensure the safety and compliance of CMVs and their drivers on the road.
  • The event takes place over a week, during which there is an increase in inspection activities on CMVs and their drivers.


How will DOT week affect the truckload market?

  • Due to increased inspection activities, there may be delays in delivery times, which can cause capacity restraints for carriers.
  • Carriers may need to spend additional time and resources to comply with federal regulations, which can result in higher rates.
  • Many carriers will not be accepting loads during DOT week.


How to prepare for DOT Blitz Week and potential rate increases?

  • Shippers should book their truckloads in advance if possible to secure a spot with a carrier.
  • If possible, ship your truckload freight this week and have it delivered on May 15th(Monday); or have it picked up on May 19th (next Friday).
  • Be flexible on shipment dates and hours to accommodate any potential delays caused by inspection activities.


In conclusion, be patient! Rates and capacity will go back to normal shortly after DOT week is complete. Anticipate that drivers might not be as willing to accept last minute loads. Typically, long haul rates will be impacted greater than local truckload routes.

Priority1 partners with over 100,000 different asset based truckload providers and you can reach out to your local rep to get more information on DOT week as well as get the most up to date market rates.

By: Peyton Berry, Director of Sales – PNW

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