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Trīs lielākie padomi lielu darījumu pārdošanai

Vienīgais veids, kā iemācīties pārdot lielus darījumus, ir pārdot lielus darījumus. - Ryan "The Machine" Majerle Ryan radīja iepriekš minēto citātu pēc tam, kad dzirdēja Bill Parcels teikto [...]

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LTL Partnerships

I’ve been reflecting on one of the most powerful successes we have had over the past year: Priority1’s partnerships. It’s easy to get one-sided on any partnership since each party […]

Lasīt vairāk

The New and Improved Priority1inc.com

It’s been quite a journey from the first time the website redesign team met. We started on June 13th at 8 A.M. The plan was laid out and we wanted […]

Lasīt vairāk